frequently asked questions

Welcome to our blogshop
See something you like and wish to order it?
We promise to do everything we can to make your experience here with us a smooth and enjoyable one!
But first, we'd like you to take some time to read this FAQ post..

Purchasing an item
How to order?
Ordering is made easy by taking these few simple steps:

* Browse through the items we've listed. Click on the image to look at the enlarged version.
*Write down the item codes for the items you wish to own and e-mail us.

You can simply copy paste this order form:
Full Name:
Contact number:
Item code: [Item name/code + colour*quantity]
Payment method:
Discount code:

We will then send you an invoice which will let you know what to do next. Please make sure the following steps are completed:

* fill in your full name, contact no. and proper mailing address.
* fill in the item codes of the items you wish to order
* indicate your payment option [Deposit to our BIBD account/Baiduri account only]
* Subscribe us to receive up-to-date promotion and discount code in the future ^_^

Pre Order
All pre-order items must be paid to our BIBD account before the closing date. Your order will not be taken in if you haven't pay for it.

When will my items arrive?
All your pre-order items will arrive 2~4weeks time.

**Reserved items need to be paid within 3 days to our bank account.

Payment Method
What are my payment options?
You can make payment via the following methods:

*Bank in to our BIBD account [Higly recommended---safe & fast!]
*Bank in to our Baiduri Account
*Meet-up (only applicable if your order is above $30)

Shipping options
Once your items have arrived, we'll contact you by email/text messages.
By that time, you must collect your item 1 week after the arrivals.

Shipping options are:
*Pos Laju $4 [1-2days] & Recommended!

*Meet-up [Friday, Saturday/ Sunday & we don't do meet-up at night time]:
Hua Ho Tutong [Free]
Hua Ho Sengkurong [$2 fees]
Giant [$4 fees]
**We'll charge you if you're late for a meet-up appointment! So, please be aware.

Availability of item
Hi, is this item still available?
It's quite simple really: all items NOT labelled Sold or Reserved are still available to be purchased/pre-ordered :)

If your Pre-order items is not instock,we'll notify you via e-mail, so please check your e-mail regularly.
Brunei VogueTique's Online Shop.
All contents copyrighted © 2011 Brunei VogueTique. All Rights Reserved.